UniCarb-DR Reference Collection

Title Year Authors Journal Pubmed
The O-glycome of human nigrostriatal tissue and its alteration in Parkinsons disease 2021 Hayden Wilkinson, Kristina A.Thomsson, Ana L. Rebelo, Mark Hilliard, Abhay Pandit, Pauline M. Rudd, Niclas G. Karlsson, Radka Saldova Manuscript -
Sulfation of O-glycans on mucin-type proteins from serous ovarian epithelial tumors 2021 Kristina A. Thomsson, Varvara Vitiazeva, Constantina Mateoiu, Chunsheng Jin, Jining Liu, Jan Holgersson, Karin Sundfeldt, Niclas G. Karlsson Manuscript -
Sulfation of O-glycans on mucin-type proteins from serous ovarian epithelial tumors 2021 Kristina A. Thomsson, Varvara Vitiazeva, Constantina Mateoiu, Chunsheng Jin, Jining Liu, Jan Holgersson, Karin Sundfeldt, Niclas G. Karlsson Manuscript -
Sulfation of O-glycans on mucin-type proteins from serous ovarian epithelial tumors 2021 Kristina A. Thomsson, Varvara Vitiazeva, Constantina Mateoiu, Chunsheng Jin, Jining Liu, Jan Holgersson, Karin Sundfeldt, Niclas G. Karlsson Manuscript -
Sulfation of O-glycans on mucin-type proteins from serous ovarian epithelial tumors 2021 Kristina A. Thomsson, Varvara Vitiazeva, Constantina Mateoiu, Chunsheng Jin, Jining Liu, Jan Holgersson, Karin Sundfeldt, Niclas G. Karlsson Manuscript -
Sulfation of O-glycans on mucin-type proteins from serous ovarian epithelial tumors 2021 Kristina A. Thomsson, Varvara Vitiazeva, Constantina Mateoiu, Chunsheng Jin, Jining Liu, Jan Holgersson, Karin Sundfeldt, Niclas G. Karlsson Manuscript -
Sulfation of O-glycans on mucin-type proteins from serous ovarian epithelial tumors 2021 Kristina A. Thomsson, Varvara Vitiazeva, Constantina Mateoiu, Chunsheng Jin, Jining Liu, Jan Holgersson, Karin Sundfeldt, Niclas G. Karlsson Manuscript -
A single sulfatase is required to access colonic mucin by a gut bacterium 2021 Ana S. Luis, Chunsheng Jin, Gabriel Pereira, Robert Glowacki, Sadie Gugel, Shaleni Singh, Dominic P. Byrne, Nicholas Pudlo, James London, Arnaud Baslé, Mark Reihill, Stefan Oscarson, Niclas Karlsson, Patrick Eyers, Mirjam, Czjzek, Gurvan Michel, Tristan Barbeyron, Edwin A Yates, Gunnar C. Hansson, Alan Cartmell, and Eric C. Martens Manuscript -
Rainbow trout gastrointestinal mucus, mucin production, mucin glycosylation and response to lipopolysaccharide 2021 Sinan Sharba, Kristina Sundell, Henrik Sundh, John Benktander, Licinia Santos, George Birchenough, and Sara K. Lindén Manuscript -
A-series gangliosides inhibit TGF-β-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition via TRI degradation 2021 Jing Zhang, Jin Ma, Hailiang Mei, Cedrick C. Agaser, Birol Cabukusta, Katarina Madunic, Gerard van der Zon, Manfred Wuhrer, Tao Zhang and Peter ten Dijke Manuscript -
GlycoPOST ID Title File name Announcement Date Investigator Submitter Pubmed
GPST000431 Swift Universal Glycan Acquisition (SUGA) Enables Quantitative Glycan Profiling Across Diverse Sample Types SUGA_NG.gwp 2024/06/09 Richard D Cummings Christopher Ashwood -
GPST000316 Sialylation is required for Head and Neck Cancer cell migration Annotation_O glycan.gwp 2024/01/04 Daniel Kolarich Daniel Kolarich -
GPST000279 Head and Neck Cancer N-glycome traits are cell line and HPV-status dependent Annotation_Oligomannose.gwp 2023/07/05 Daniel Kolarich Daniel Kolarich 10.1007/s00216-022-04376-x
GPST000279 Head and Neck Cancer N-glycome traits are cell line and HPV-status dependent Annotation_Complex.gwp 2023/07/05 Daniel Kolarich Daniel Kolarich 10.1007/s00216-022-04376-x
GPST000334 O-glycans from Chinese salmon embryonic cell line CHSE-214 2023_CHSE214.gwp 2023/02/28 Kristina A. Thomsson Kristina Thomsson Hulthe -
GPST000335 O-glycans from rainbow trout gill cell line RTgillW1 2023_RTGillW1.gwp 2023/02/28 Kristina A.Thomsson Kristina Thomsson Hulthe -
GPST000307 The intestinal O-glycome is modified by reactive oxygen species deficiency Saldova_Mouse_ileum.gwp 2022/11/18 Kristina Thomsson Hulthe Kristina Thomsson Hulthe -
GPST000307 The intestinal O-glycome is modified by reactive oxygen species deficiency Saldova_Mouse_colon.gwp 2022/11/18 Kristina Thomsson Hulthe Kristina Thomsson Hulthe -
GPST000211 O-glycans released from platelet releasate samples activated with thrombin (0.2 U/mL) ML_structures+linkages.gwp 2022/09/25 Dr Morten Thaysen-Andersen The Huong Chau -
GPST000183 Altered glycoproteome of MLL-rearranged B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia Ngly_annotatedspectra_MLLpatients.gwp 2022/04/12 Assoc Prof Daniel Kolarich Tiago Oliveira 34646384